Listen, giving a business presentation can be nerve-racking for anyone. To get up in front of a group of people isn’t always the most comfortable thing to do.

Even networking events can feel intimidating for people. Now, imagine someone who is introverted needing to accomplish these feats and wonder how on earth they will find the will to do them.

How can an introvert entrepreneur get ahead in business when public speaking doesn’t come easily to them?

Whether you are a leader at your job or trying to build your own successful home business, my hope is that these business presentation and networking tips will help you conquer your fears.


1. Shift Your Mindset About Networking Events and  Business Presentations

As an introvert, your automatic reaction to the idea of public presentations and networking events may be a visceral one. Your heart starts pounding, your body tenses up, and you begin worrying about everything that can go wrong.

The key is to change your perception of these events and looking at everything in a more positive light. Instead of jumping immediately to panic, try to look at a business presentation and networking events from a more positive perspective. Here are some introvert entrepreneur networking tips that can help you:

● Accept that these events make you uncomfortable.
● Recognize and realize that you have valuable insight that the audience wants to hear.
● Think of these people as your friends and they want you to succeed.
● Think of your presentation as a conversation instead of what it is. Pretend you are telling the audience a story.
● Picture them naked! Lol! Just kidding… kind of =)


2. Find a Quiet Space Wherever You Are

Even if you are somewhere busy, such as a networking event; try to find a quiet space away from everyone that you can retreat in case everything becomes too overwhelming. A lot of times, an introvert feels like there is nowhere they can go to get out of what they perceive as chaos, so if you can find somewhere to take a breather, this will be helpful. If you need a moment, go to the space you’ve discovered and take a deep breath to regroup.

The important thing is to not feel like your emotions are irrational or that everyone will think you are overreacting by needing a moment. Accept that these worries are a part of you, so by taking a moment to regroup, you can go back to your networking event with reinvigorated confidence. Give yourself a moment, as there is nothing wrong with that.


3. Practice Makes Perfect with Your Business Presentation

Public speaking is not something everyone masters right away. In fact, even those who are not introverts need practice in giving a business presentation. For the introvert entrepreneur, recording yourself speaking might be an excellent way to feel more prepared and therefore, more at ease when you are having to make a presentation or attend a networking event.

● Practice your business presentation in private. Introverts believe that they do not sound as good as others in these certain events, so when you are by yourself, you have a moment to reflect on how you sound.

● Don’t just record audio, but video as well. Get comfortable with how you look and how others will see you.

● Make mistakes. Everyone does and if you make mistakes and realize what they are, you have a better opportunity to correct what you are doing that could use work.

4. Learn Ways to Manage Your Anxiety


We Introverts often feel anxiety at the thought of having to interact with people we don’t know well. This does not mean that someone who is introverted can’t run a business, heck no.

It simply means there are techniques and methods that you will need to make second nature. Breathing techniques are usually a good method to help calm yourself down and recharge your brain. By approaching a situation rationally, you are able to better react with others.

Just like finding a place to recharge while at an networking event, if you are at work or at your office, it is a good idea to retreat to your office, bathroom, car etc. while trying to regroup. A quick moment with the door locked allows you to take a moment to collect yourself and approach your team in a more professional and confident manner. This should not be seen as a sign of weakness; rather you are taking the time to become your best self so you can be the best leader to your employees.

5. Remember That Others Can Not See Your Emotions

When we feel certain emotions so strongly, especially social anxiety; we feel that others can see these emotions while we are in the middle of a business presentation. When an introvert is in a public arena and they are beginning to feel the effects of their social anxiety, they will begin to panic more at the idea that everyone around them knows exactly how they are feeling.

The thing to remember is that these are your feelings and you are not wearing them like a sign on your chest. Try to remember that there is no illusion of transparency; you alone are feeling this one and no one is judging you for how you are feeling at that moment.

6. Public Speaking Can Be Learned

Introverts spend their time often by themselves, so they spend a lot of time learning, thinking, engaged in hobbies and keeping to themselves. This means that an introvert is good at picking up new skills.

Public speaking is a learned skill that is good for an introvert, as they have the ability to learn on their own. It is preferably better to begin this learned skill alone at first in order to get rid of all of the public speaking jitters.

Please understand there is absolutely nothing wrong with being an introvert!

This does not mean that you cannot be successful in your career nor does it mean that you cannot be a leader and successful business owner!

Plenty of introverted people are able to conquer their fears to make presentations or to attend networking events regularly. Most of your co-workers can be considered introverts and most of the time; they are the more successful members of your team because they are able to take a step back to assess any situation.

Use these six tips to help accomplish your leadership goals moving forward.

P.S  If you're feeling stuck in your business even after you did everything your upline told you to do... Take a minute to Check out my 3 Step Marketing Blueprint to learn how to start marketing your business without feeling like a pushy salesman. CLICK HERE TO WATCH


April Ray

April Ray

CEO/ Founder


If you enjoyed this article, leave me a comment and share with your besties! =)

Email: april@theintrovertmogul
Ph: (619) 537-9864



"As an introvert entrepreneur I don't particularly enjoy chasing strangers online, networking events, talking about myself on social media or anything else you can think of that involves selling! But, because I learned how to market online the right way, I don't have to do those things."


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